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It is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue (which lines the inside of the uterus) on the outside of the uterus. In some idiopathic eases the rent is valvular, the edges sloping from within outwards. Air is a bad conductor of heat, so also is water and other liquids, so also are stone, brick, glass, hair, and feathers (see Section V.). For some reason, it is less well-accepted that similar factors operate with dogs and cats.
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Publisher: Injury Control Program, Bureau of Epidemiology, Texas Dept. of Health (1993)
The effect of bFGF on axonal outgrowth following spinal cord injury in the adult rat
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Further researches on the grey substance of the spinal cord: Received June 17, - read June 17, 1858
Alternative Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury
Postservice pyschosocial adjustment of former spinal cord injured rehabilitation clients: Research report
Neural Stem Cells for Brain and Spinal Cord Repair (Contemporary Neuroscience)
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One scary part of this disease is that in addition to it killing extremely fast (within hours), to this day, scientists cannot figure out what pathogen caused the disease. The pathogen could still exist somewhere in the modern world or it could have been erradicated through hygiene, sanitation, or vaccination without us realizing it was the “Sweating Sickness” of the Middle Ages that we were erradicating , cited: Spinal cord injured client's read here
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Proceedings of the third International Meeting on Spinal Cord Stimulation: Houston, Tex, May 1980
A letter addressed to the Earl of Rosse, President-Elect of the Royal Society
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The spinal cord of Amphioxus
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Spinal Cord Injuries: Anaesthetic and Associated Care
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I had no choice except leaving him submerged in the water for a couple minutes. As I felt his body temperature reaching equilibrium, I softly picked him up and placed him into a dry towel. I noticed I had an audience and that my baby cousin was no longer crying. My aunt at this point was redressing him with a smile on her face while thanking me read Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Texas, 1991-1992 pdf, azw (kindle), epub, doc, mobi. Patients were assessed for pain (numerical rating scale [NRS]), narcotic use, level of sedation, delirium, and physical therapy milestones until discharge. The ketamine group had significantly less pain during their first postoperative hour in the PACU (NRS 4.8 vs 8.7) and continued to have less pain during the first postoperative day at rest (3.6 vs 5.5) and with physical therapy (5.6 vs 8.0) Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Texas, 1991-1992 online. Thus a gall-stone, which blocks the tube leading from the liver, will cause severe pain, jaundice, and so on, simply from its me- chanical obstruction , e.g. Co-ordinating mechanisms of the spinal cord
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