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A concussion can result in temporary loss of normal brain function if left untreated. Accessed and Behavior 92: 847–854. 11/01/09. The cape has Velcro tabs down the front with mock jean buttons, and Velcro straps with mock jean buttons around the bottom of the cape. Great distention from wind adds griev- ously to the distress. Nerves branch from the spinal cord through small openings between the vertebrae. filled with a gel-like tissue which cushion the vertebrae and allow for movement..
Pages: 0
Publisher: PN; . edition (1997)
Combined Modality Therapy of Central Nervous System Tumors (Medical Radiology)
Spinal Cord Prot.Surgery Thoracic
Diseases of the Spine and Spinal Cord (Contemporary Neurology Series)
Spinal Cord Injuries: A Guide to Functional Outcomes in Physical Therapy Management (Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago - Procedure Manual)
Brain and spinal cord;: A manual for the study of the morphology and fibre-tracts of the central nervous system,
Form and Function in the Brain and Spinal Cord: Perspectives of a Neurologist (MIT Press)
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A Complete Plain-English Guide to Living with a Spinal Cord Injury: Valuable Information From a Survivor
A Case Study: Acquisition Reform and the New V-22 Osprey Program
Spinal cord injury information directory
Radiologic Examination of the Brain and Spinal Cord
Introduction to Spinal Cord Injury: Understanding the Changes
Alternative Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury
Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Cord: With Special Reference to Mechanism and Function, for Students and Practitioners (Classic Reprint)
Hanak-Spinal Cord Injury '83 Pb
The Movements of Respiration: And Their Innervation in the Rabbit. with a Supplement On the Relation of Respiration to Deglutition, and On the ... of Respiratory Centres in the Spinal Cord
The prevention of pressure sores in persons with spinal cord injuries (Monograph / International Exchange of Information in Rehabilitation, World Rehabilitation Fund)
Selective Arteriography of the Spinal Cord
Cerebrovascular disorders: With sections on applied vascular anatomy and physiology of the brain and spinal cord
Spinal Cord Injuries: Comprehensive Management and Research
A LECTURE ON THE LOCALIZATION OF DISEASES IN THE SPINAL CORD, Delivered Before the Anatomical and Surgical Society of Brooklyn.
Functional organization of descending supraspinal fibre systems to the spinal cord;: Anatomical observations and physiological correlations (Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte)
Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Cord: With Special Reference to Mechanism and Function, for Students and Practitioners (Classic Reprint)
Inquiry concerning the Diseases and Functions of the Brain, the Spinal Cord, and the Nerves
An account of the dissection of a Gymnotus electricus: Together with reasons for believing that it derives its electricity from the brain and spinal ... of the London Electrical Society)
The diagnostic value of the non-purulent brain and spinal cord inflamations in the investigation of hog cholera
Spinal Cord Dysfunction
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