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A blood test showing anemia would speak for internal bleeding. The Plantain (Fig. 217, Musa paradisiaca), a variety of the same plant as the banana, yields a fruit almost identical with it, and equally useful. There is no price tag I can place on this, it’s the feeling we get when we help another human being, it’s just like providing health care. Let us look, first of all, at that preparation, the first and the last resource of the sick-nurse and the detestation (as a rule) of the invalid, beef-tea.
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Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press (1982)
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The Risser grades of capping or fusion could be more precisely diagnosed using lateral radiograph in complement to the frontal one. The conclusions drawn from this study were: (1) Currently used Risser sign grading does not consider the actual excursion of the iliac apophysis, because one-third of the apophysis cannot be observed on the frontal radiograph. (2) Iliac apophysis full excursion or fusion can be more accurately estimated when the lateral spinal We report two rare cases of spinal intraosseous schwannoma (SIS) with sustained myelopathy symptoms and provide an updated review regarding SIS in the literature Electrical recordings from single cells in the substantia gelatinosa of the cat's spinal cord (Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Biology. Thesis. 1976. Ph. D)
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