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Spiritistic beliefs and mediumistic behaviors are highlighted here and may be used in healing efforts by channeling energy and/or receiving spirit guidance for diagnosis and treatment. Both men and women are developing ego functions (his EFI pole) but with women remaining closer to, and �obliged� to act out, through the anima projections of the dualistic male, the NPR pole. A humanistic counsellor works on the assumption that life has inherent meaning and value.
Pages: 126
Publisher: Imprint Academic (June 1, 2005)
ISBN: 1845400437
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Both the Left Angle and Juxtaposition have a hexagram placement on the wheel that is NOT at right angles. There is a shift of one hexagram so that now the Personality and Design Sun/Earth distances are not longer 16 hexagrams apart but are 15 and 17 hexagram distances The Earth Awakens
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That fact that an existential awareness of the phenomena of life and death seems to be a prerequisity to spirituality why else would we start looking for that which does not perish? according to most sources, does in no way warrant the view that we have to look back to our own birth process to find an entrance to the spiritual domain The Practice of Soul-Centered download here
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