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She is a certified Master NLP and Hypnotherapy Practitioner and a NLP Professional Coach and Family Constellations Facilitator. The mind expands, deepens and widens and eventually dips into the essence of cosmic existence. ETPA emphasises transformative spirituality and consciousness development beyond ego through integral practices (including body, mind and Soul) in order to understand reality and heal individual and social life. The level that Wilber terms 'Spirit' includes the low and high causal levels.
Pages: 276
Publisher: Brush Education (January 1, 2002)
ISBN: 1550592351
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Yogash: Both the practice (verb) and the fruit (noun) of unconditional liberation (kaivalyam) by resting in samadhi (the intelligent self informing ground of being). Its pinnacle is samadhi, whose result, is none other than kaivalyam. All these are united as one -- as authentic yoga. Commentary: Yoga occurs when the bias, winds, turbulences, instabilities, tilting, turnings, twisting, distortions, and spins of the mind-field has become liberated; where the operations of its fluttering/fluctuations have ceased , source: The Act of Will download epub
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Pathways to Wholeness: Archetypal Astrology and the Transpersonal Journey (Muswell Hill Press) book. Transpersonal literature often borrows from, or refers to, these concepts when using the term "ego." Wilber (1975), for example, refers to certain aspects of consciousness which he considers transpersonal, or "supraindividual," which is similar to the Eastern notion of the Witness: "that which is capable of observing the flow of what is -- without interfering with it, commenting on it, or in any way manipulating it." Because transpersonal literature makes reference to so many different and distinct dimensions of a transcendent self, the use of the antiquated, impersonal, abstract term "ego" seems inappropriate, and may even account for criticism from those who were concerned that transpersonal concepts could de-humanize the person and his or her internal psychological Page 11 processes (Chaudhuri, 1975; May, 1986; Schneider, 1987) download Nexus: Transpersonal Approaches to Groups pdf.
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