Download online From Clinician To Confident CEO: Your Step-By-Step Guide to More Ease, More Time Off, and More Profit PDF, azw (Kindle), ePub, doc, mobi

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He will conclude by drawing out the implications of his research for mentoring: scheme designers, mentors, mentees, mentoring supervisors, and other stakeholders e.g. professional bodies and educational establishments. The program gives you the file (Word document) with an entire collection of messages / articles (50 articles / messages, and cartoons) for you to include in your newsletters, website, or Intranet for your employees or customers for the entire year for one time price of just $295 Why are coaching and mentoring currently the two fastest growing ways to develop employees?

Pages: 352

Publisher: Therapist Leadership Institute Press (September 5, 2015)

ISBN: 0990668819

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