Download Body of Knowledge: An Introduction to Body/Mind Psychology (SUNY Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) PDF, azw (Kindle), ePub

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The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 1997, Vol 29, No. 1 Chinen, A. Although Patanjali has only briefly touched upon the conditioned tendency of the ordinary mind to grasp upon objects (called pratyaksha), he elucidates this subtle process on how to identify and remediate this and other similar hindrances (all of which which become revealed during meditation) in the rest of the Yoga Sutras. This session traces Rank's impact on humanistic and existential psychologists like Carl Rogers and Rollo May and shows how Rank's post-Freudian writings on art, creativity, and the soul reach beyond the personal and interpersonal into the re-enchanting but elusive realm of the transpersonal.

Pages: 176

Publisher: State Univ of New York Pr (February 1991)

ISBN: 0791403882

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