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Since the stakes are typically fairly high, it usually pays to have a DUI attorney handle your case. The Law Library subscribed to Westlaw, a computer-assisted legal research system. 1985 - The University of Iowa Law Library ranked eleventh among accredited law school libraries. Mail. 18 USC § 1702; 39 USC § 3623 one has a right of privacy for contents of telephone conversations, telegraph messages, or electronic data by wire. 18 USC § 2510 et seq. one has a right of privacy for contents of radio messages. 47 USC §605 A federal statute denies federal funds to educational institutions that do not maintain confidentiality of student records, which enforces privacy rights of students in a backhanded way. 20 USC § 1232g.
Pages: 720
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (May 13, 2016)
ISBN: 019935233X
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