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Skythien und der Bosporus (Berlin, 1931), passim; Mimms, pp. 35-129 passim; Herodotus, IV, 117; Valvasor, II, 197. 11 Roman St. But it was not organised in a single sect and its religious doctrines were also not common. Provided that he neither kills nor maims her, it is legal for a man to beat his wife..." (Frances and Joseph Gies, Women in the Middle Ages, Harper Perennial, 1978). Because of growing opposition within the Japanese military and the extreme right to party politicians, who they saw as corrupt and self-serving, Inukai was the last party politician to govern Japan in the pre-World War II era. [231] In February 1936 young radical officers of the Japanese Army attempted a coup d'état.
Pages: 160
Publisher: Twentyfirst Century Books (March 1, 2009)
ISBN: 082259076X
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