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However you want to address me, that's fine. The Secret Weavers: Stories of the Fantastic By Women of Argentina and Chile. Her website, updated weekly, is at I love patchwork too, for similar reasons – a bit of the quilt from my bed here, also made by me. #busybee Some of my favorite stories in the collection include �Amber Alert�, about a child that�s gone missing in a small town, and the horrifying realization of who is actually responsible; �Unlucky in Death�, about a newly-turned vampire who faints at the sight of blood; �Never Judge a Book�, about Jack who runs into some pretty scary creatures on his walk home�this is a funny one; and �My Mind�s Eye�, about what goes through the mind of a potential killer.

Pages: 1186

Publisher: Omnibus Select (December 16, 2009)


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