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Many of the more recent intellectual property oriented laws are available with full text. o The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Intellectual Property Office o Copyright Music Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago (COTT) - This is a non-profit organization that administers copyright licenses to performance artists. There were no legal advocates, so both parties would present their own arguments. Over 80% of all abortion providers have been picketed or seriously harassed.
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Inmates had an open time frame in which to earn the next level. Compliance advanced them; infractions resulted in a return to the previous stage, thereby lengthening the sentence. The open-ended sentences (today known as indeterminate sentencing) allowed the administration to ensure that when finally released, an offender’s behavior had been successfully reformed ref.: Pierre J. Lelandais & Co., Inc., et al., Petitioners, v. MDS Atron, Inc., et al. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings
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