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While conceding that there are some borrowings from existing authors, the conclusion that Louise Labé was not the author of the work to him lacks convincing support. How do we define and fulfill our responsibilities? It is designed to support the filmed performances available at Using modern spoken word to explore historical poems, Page Fright encourages students to explore and compare their work, then create their own poetic responses. download > This lesson plan involves a close reading of Phoebe Stuckes 2013 Foyle Winning poem 'Daughters' to look at the use of repetition, rhetoric and 'call to arms' poems.

Pages: 32

Publisher: Oxford University Press (September 18, 1997)

ISBN: 0192761471

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The Lady With the Alligator Purse

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Imaginative Inventions: The Who, What, Where, When, and Why of Roller Skates, Potato Chips, Marbles, and Pie

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