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The Gospel of John apparently started out as a Gnostic gospel (see below) and was later rewritten by the mainstream church to make it orthodox. Meditative transformations of narcissism. A man and a woman consulted a Madi healer in May 1995 about their son who had disappeared two years earlier. The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health (2012) defines Johrei (pronounced Jo-ray) as a form of energy therapy in which a practitioner’s channeling of spiritual energy raises the spiritual vibrations of patients, healing them of accumulated toxins in their physical bodies.
Pages: 312
Publisher: Jason Aronson, Inc. (September 1, 1996)
ISBN: 1568218583
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The length of time assigned to the moving period is determined, and a chime or gentle call is used to mark the beginning and end of the experience. When the form is practiced as a group, witnesses form a circle around the empty space using the archetypal structure in space to hold whatever will unfold. If strong energetic phenomena emerge from the mover(s), a witness may call upon the support of her fellow witnesses by simply opening her arms out , cited: Stanley Krippner: A Life of Dreams, Myths and Visions
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