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We back away from this bottomless pit in fear of annihilation and death. Furthermore, if nonscientific approaches were to be allowed as a legitimate part of professional practice by applied transpersonal psychologists, it would create a situation of inequity that would be discriminatory against other practitioners such as religious healers who also might use similar nonscientific methods yet not be allowed a comparable professional license and its accompanying privileges. Carl Rogers, one of the most eminent forces in humanistic and transpersonal psychology, and a Nobel nominee, described self-actualization as the primary “curative force in psychology.” The human organism's urge to self-actualize – that is – become a better “self” was defined by Rogers in his “19 Propositions“ and provided a way to scientifically assess the progress of a patient's therapy, confirming the viability of therapeutic work in the transpersonal realm.
Pages: 324
Publisher: Atlanta Books (July 5, 2016)
Science, Consciousness and Ultimate Reality
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In the words of Gay Hendricks, “A transpersonal world view, which transcends ego boundaries, sees all parts as being equal in the whole, all humans as having similar needs, feelings, and potentials.” (Weinhold, & Hendricks, 1993). In these times of such division, such a world view could be key to the healing of past wounds, the calming of tensions, and the evolution of human consciousness as a whole ref.: The Beyond Mind Papers: Vol 3 read here
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The Beyond Mind Papers: Vol 3 Further Steps to a Metatranspersonal Philosophy and Psychology
Spiritual traditions describe transpersonal purpose as a characteristic of the ‘awakened’ or ‘enlightened’ state, in which the individual no longer has a will of their own, but is the expression of the will of the divine download Illuminating The Shadow: Transmuting the Dark Side of the Psyche pdf, azw (kindle). This as well is one of the trials that must be overcome. It teaches to surmount personal sensitiveness and to acquire independence of judgment and steadiness of conduct The Beyond Mind Papers: Vol 2 Steps to a Metatranspersonal Philosophy and Psychology
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