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We may be describing, after the event, a unique sequence. For those who cannot devote themselves to this never-ending process, there will be few successes. (1) THE CHAOS Report (1994), The Standish Group, (2) Martin Cobb, (1996). �Unfinished Voyages: a follow-up to the CHAOS Report�,Standish Group Report, (3) Kirksey, Kirk A, (1990). �Storm Warning: Danger Signs During Software Implementation�, Health Management Technology, 11, 6; pg 35 (4) Wixom, Barbara H. (2001). �Am Empirical Investigation of the Factors Affecting Data Warehouse Success�, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 25 No.1, pp 17 � 41. (5) Leicht, Michael. (1999). �Managing User Expectations.� University of Missouri St.
Pages: 0
Publisher: Dover Publications; Copyright 1959 edition (1959)
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