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Share them, print, and export to other software. Seven of these subgroups number more than 100,000 people—Bangladeshis, Burmese, Cambodians, Hmong, Laotians, Pakistanis and Thais. ↩ Revised July 12, 2012 to change “poverty rate” to “% in poverty” or “share in poverty,” and to add a definition to Notes on Terminology. ↩ Hall constitutes law forbidding Chinese from testifying in court against whites. 1859 - Exclusion of Chinese from public schools in San Francisco. 1862 - California imposes a “police tax” of $2.50 a month on every Chinese. 1870 - People born in Africa and people of African descent become eligible for citizenship through the “Naturalization Act.” Chinese are not eligible for citizenship and the act also forbids the entry of wives of laborers.

Pages: 256

Publisher: Stanford University Press; 1 edition (December 14, 2004)

ISBN: 080474940X

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