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Quite a few are also getting to be a little professional in handling TV." As Nebraska's number one station KFAB invites you to study all of its 1950 quantitative as well as qualitative figures. Gore, who is retail division advertising manager for Marshall Field & Co., Chicago department store. The UK had suggested that 3,000 mc be used for this purpose. Li- censees should continue to determine for themselves how they will program their stations. C. 2915 Rsd River 2-5055 Austin, Texas LYNNE C.

Pages: 0

Publisher: Hardcover (January 1, 2010)


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Seebach Jr., vice president in charge of programs. Harris will be directly in charge of creative programming and supervision of program struc- ture, Mr. The ap- pointment becomes effective July 17, 1950. Well-known in the radio and TV industry in New York and Holly- wood, Mr. Harris has been asso- ciated with Doherty, Clifford & Shenfield, New York, since 1944 Broadcasting Baseball: A download here download Broadcasting Baseball: A History of the National Pastime on Radio and Television pdf, azw (kindle). CUMMINGS "PROMISE only what you intend to do. That is the philosophy of Harry Emmett Cummings, Southeastern Radio Representa- tive, Jacksonville, Fla. He believes his good foi'tune to hold many ac- counts continuously can be attribut- ed to that philosophy. Born in Peoria, 111., April 3, 1890, Harry was only four years old when his mother died. He spent the next 12 years with relatives in Illinois and Texas Of Mikes and Men: A Lifetime read here download Of Mikes and Men: A Lifetime of Braves Baseball. AM affiliates, average 1-time rate 5.08 6 75 10.25 16.00 25.50 42.50 8.66 11.66 18.75 29.83 49.16 80.00 LOU, Ikw, 1580kc, CBS, Walker, BMB 6.00 8.00 12.00 18.00 30.00 50.00 9.00 12.00 24.00 36.00 60.00 100.00 »LC, 5kw-D, Ikw-N, 1470kc, NBC, Weed, 'Con Ian 6.00 9.00 12.75 17.00 27.50 45.00 12.00 18.00 22.50 34.00 55.00 90.00 WSL, 250w, 1400kc, MBS 3.25 3.25 6.00 13.00 19.00 32.50 5.00 5.00 9.75 19.50 32.50 50.00 ONROE, Ouachita, 20,747 fam., 85.8% radio, 17,800 radio fam. iAM affiliates, average 1-time rates 4.21 4.43 8.43 20.26 30.16 49.90 6.55 6.81 12.08 29.33 43.50 73.33 Tex Williams and Billy Arm- strong. cations of the problem are not insur- mountable." Providing a sound allocation plan is adopted, he said, every major American city and suburbs will be served by at least four transmit- ting stations, including the major TV networks. Sales Force Seen Once TV becomes truly national. DuMont predicted that it will act as a tremendous sales force. Instead of video replacing other media, it will stimulate new adver- tising dollars By John Lewis: Radio Master - The Life and Times of Sports Broadcasting Great Ted Husing online. The advertiser, these days, is taking a good long look at the media budget. We must get maximum value out of every media dollar. If radio wants a bigger share of that dollar it can start by stronger presentations built around tangible evidence of what it has done for Others and how it can help us. All this might indicate that radio is not liv- ing up to its role as a media leader Sports broadcasting and the download pdf Sports broadcasting and the law for free.

Dove shampoo is being intro- duced on three stations in Dallas, three stations in Columbus, Ohio, and four stations in Minneapolis. The shampoo's campaign, devoted to nighttime 60-sec- ond spots, has been running since last March, and no cutoff has been sched- uled Ain't the Beer Cold! (Autobiography) read online Ain't the Beer Cold! (Autobiography). Due to world conditions and renewed emphasis on salable news programming, the above experience should prove valu- able. Write Box 144G, BROADCAST- ING^ Present position includes seven years sales experience in Chicago with well- known 50,000 watt station. Interested in station man- agement or station representation. Experi- enced in all phases of broadcasting download By John Lewis: Radio Master - The Life and Times of Sports Broadcasting Great Ted Husing pdf. Schwerin officials currently de- cline to discuss them. How It Works ■ The)" talked freely last week, however, about the basic sys- tem, how it was devised and tested, what it shows and what, in their opin- ion, it will mean. The essence of its meaning, they said, is that no amount of money, by itself, will assure a TV campaign's success, but that, if the commercials are "super- ior" to those for competing products, the odds not only favor success but also suggest that there may be no limit — in theory, at least — to the amount of Sales relationship of effectiveness. .. and of spending Inferior Campaigns Equal Campaigns Superior Campaigns Campaign Totals 2 7 io 19 Limited Change 7 6 3 16 io 7 1 18 Campaign Totals 19 20 14 53 Spent Less TV 5 Spent Approx, SameTV$ Spent MoreTV$ Campaign Totals 7 6 6 19 5 8 3 16 7 4 7 18 19 18 16 53 The nub of Schwerin Research Corp.'s findings on the relationship between television advertising and sales is summarized in these two charts I'd Know That Voice Anywhere: read here I'd Know That Voice Anywhere: My Favorite NPR Commentaries here.

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A report was made by Al Hewitt, managing editor of the Shreveport (La.) Times on the unsuccessful efforts of the Freedom of Information Committee to have the American Bar Association's Canon 35 rescinded. Hewitt said that as far as the ABA is concerned, the case against Canon 35, which forbids the use of cameras and microphones in courtrooms, is "dead." Vice President and Sales Manager: Winfield R. Levi: Institutional Sales Manager: Eleanor R. Manning; Advertising Representa- tive: Robert T. Fennimore; Advertising Assistant: Beryl W. Senior Editor: Lawrence Christopher; Mid- west Sales Manager: Warren W. Hollywood: 1680 North Vine Street, ZIP code 90028 , source: Sports on New York Radio read online Sports on New York Radio pdf. RADIO • TV • CATV • NEWSPAPER BROKERS NEGOTIATIONS • FINANCING • APPRAISALS WASHINGTON, D. Michigan Ave. 1 102 Healey Bldg. 9465 Wilshire Blvd , e.g. Big Al: Fifty Years of Adventures in Sports Broadcasting Big Al: Fifty Years of Adventures in Sports Broadcasting pdf, azw (kindle). Flans are now underway for use of both media for Southern Pa- cific Railway. Bud contends there's room for both radio and television. Radio, he feels, will continue to maintain its level as an advertising medium, while television will become a direct selling medium. He first got into radio by letting other people into radio. His first? job in the field was as a page with NBC Hollywood in 1937 download By John Lewis: Radio Master - The Life and Times of Sports Broadcasting Great Ted Husing epub. Enter my BROADCASTING sub- scription immediately so I'll receive 52 weekly issues, '50 MARKET- BOOK, and '51 YEARBOOK next January. □ $7 enclosed □ please bill ~ NAME COMPANY STREET CITY ZONE STATE CITIZEN'S AUTO INSURANCE, Salt Lake City, appoints Ross Jurney & Assoc., same city, to direct all advertising Women's Sport and Spectacle: read online click Women's Sport and Spectacle: Gendered Television Coverage and the Olympic Games online. Bingham said the creation of public trust "is the only permanent pro- tection against censorship, against gov- ernmental control, against any of the other outside influences we dread." If this proves successful, the firm plans a permanent move into radio measure- ments. Albert Sindlinger & Co. also has announced plans for local radio meas- urements, a new area for that firm ref.: Sports Junkies Rejoice: The download online Sports Junkies Rejoice: The Birth of ESPN online. Young man, ten years experience in all phases of radio, wants announcer or pd position in south Texas or New Mexico Don Cherry's Sports Heroes read Don Cherry's Sports Heroes pdf, azw (kindle). Another purpose of the new joint committee will be to make recom- mendations to the two Secretaries with respect to business and gov- ernment requests for revisions and modifications needed to assure ful- fillment of national defense re- quirements and civilian economy needs.- Secretary Savs^er named H. Office of Industry and Commerce, as Commerce Dept. representative The Storytellers: From Mel read here download online The Storytellers: From Mel Allen to Bob Costas : Sixty Years of Baseball Tales from the Broadcast Booth. Such information is important not only to industry stakeholders, who use the data to help sell air time to advertisers, but also to the CRTC, which uses the data to assess the effectiveness of its policies by understanding the reach of programming across the country and across various demographics. audience measurement data is compiled by Numeris (formerly BBM Canada) through the use of portable people meter (PPM) technology, which are pager-like devices that listen to unique PPM codes within a broadcast network’s audio stream and record them with a time stamp, and diary surveys (written logs); the Numeris data presented by language market divides Canada into two sections , e.g. Voices of Summer: Ranking download online Voices of Summer: Ranking Baseball's 101 All-Time Best Announcers online.

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