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He swiftly and deftly proceeded to perform CPR as the other staff and I readied the defibrillator. Barley soup digested ia 1 \ hours, but bean soup and chicken soup took as long, 3 hours, as grilled beef -steak and boiled mutton, while mutton soup took half an hour more, and bone soup \\ hours longer. How long does it take for symptoms to appear after contracting hepatitis C? In 1975, al~er a 1-year fellowship in spinal cord injury medicine at West Roxbury VAMC, he joined the staff of WR VAMC in Boston, Mass, where he practiced for 25 years, most recently in the capacity of chief of SCl Service (1992-1998).
Pages: 708
Publisher: Williams & Wilkins Company,; 1st edition (1960)
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