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Additional BSTR API Functions While SysAllocString(), SysStringLen(), and SysFreeString() are a good start for most BSTR manipulations, the system string API does define a number of other methods. Bokaro Others Other Roles Mining Saved from DB Database 4 Aug 2015 91-7782803016 Yes 24.5 lacs pa 16 Apr 2015 56536483 Ezhirko Lakshmikandam 10 May 1978 Director - Real Estate Development with 15 years experience "B. WDF defines a single driver model that supports the creation of Page 171 of 177 .1 protocol to allow clients to publish.acronyms. meters. and miles WDM: Windows Driver Model (Operating systems) (Microsoft) WDP: Wireless Datagram Protocol WDRAM: Windows Dynamic Random Access Memory WDS: Wireless Distribution System (Communication) WDT: Wap Developer's Toolkit (Software) WCA: Web Clipping Application WCAG: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines These guidelines explain how to make Web content accessible to people with disabilities. such as inches. event-driven drivers for either kernel mode or user mode (Operating systems) (Microsoft) WB: Wide Band (Communication) WB: Workbench Pre-PPC Amiga operating system WDG: Web Design Group (Organizations) WBEM: Web-Based Enterprise Management WBI: Web Browsing Intelligence WBMP: Wireless BitMaP File Format for bitmapped images suitable for WAP devices WDJ: Web Developer's Journal WDL: Windows Driver Library (Operating systems) (Microsoft) WDM: Wavelength-Division Multiplexing A mechanism to allow multiple signals to be encoded into multiple wavelengths (Communication) WBS: Work Breakdown Structure WBT: Web-Based Training WBTS: Windows-Based Terminal Server WBXML: Wap Binary eXtensible Markup Language WC: Word Count WC: World Coordinates The coordinate system that is scaled so that user-defined objects can be represented in units appropriate to the application. creating what some refer to as 'Web syndicate networks' W WEP: Windows Entry Point (Software) WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy Lower level data encryption for wireless security (Network) www. and is usually implemented through the use of Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions (Microsoft) WCGL: Web Content accessibility GuideLines WCI: Web-based Customer Interaction WCM: Web Content Management WCS: Web Communications Server (Hardware) WECA: Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (Organizations) WEDT: Western Europe Daylight Time Timezone: GMT +0:00 WCS: World Coordinate System WCSS: Wap Cascading Style Sheets WCTL: Web Crossing Template Language WD: Western Digital (Hardware) WEFT: Web Embedding Fonts Tool (Software) (Microsoft) WELL: Whole Earth eLectronic Link WEMA: Western Electronics Manufacturers Association (Organizations) WD: Working Draft WDA: Web-Disabled Application WDATAM: What Do All The Acronyms Mean (Net lingo) WEO: World Economic Outlook WEP: Watchguard Event Processor WEP: Windows Entertainment Pack (Software) (Microsoft) WDDX: Web Distributed Data eXchange XML-based technology that enables the exchange of complex data between Web programming languages. and manage resources on the Web WCCP: Web Cache Communications Protocol (Network) (Cisco) WCDMA: Wideband Code Division Multiple Access W-CDMA: Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (Communication) WebNFS: WEB Network File System (Operating systems) (Sun) WEC: Web Extender Client Microsoft Office 2000 protocol that is used for Web publishing. lock.
Pages: 416
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman (December 17, 1999)
ISBN: 0201604604
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