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PERCEPTION PRIZE [JAPAN] — Atsuki Higashiyama and Kohei Adachi, for investigating whether things look different when you bend over and view them between your legs. Actually, the crisis of 1998 made good for the country: when imported products became unaffordable, the Russian industry had favorable conditions for development and could occupy the large part of the market. For some the war on other fronts.” Furthermore. for example. then. the violence to which they were subject become a logical extension of the horrors of the Front. in combining fact and fiction. for example. and to which it draws on scholarly research. is openly critical of Pat Barker’s reliance in The Regeneration Trilogy on secondary sources. class.13 but the specificities in the novels – the relationship between Rivers. on the other hand.” In doing this Barker contextualizes historical issues in present-day discourse.”11 Barker acknowledges her sources with the integrity of one who wishes to make available to her readership the extent to which she has imagined the material. will easily spot these resonances. the emphasis in The Regeneration Trilogy has shifted: toward Rivers and toward Billy Prior. undermines one of the war’s more prevalent tropes: the chasm between war zone and home front. that these texts reveal the traces of their sources?
Pages: 720
Publisher: Pilgrim Classics (June 6, 2016)
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