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WBLS invites you to the wonderful world of learning a language in a fantastic location, with only the most recognized, high quality Language Schools. As an empirical matter, the decay of the domestic-foreign frontier seems highly ambivalent, since it might easily pave the way for the decay of the more attractive attributes of domestic political life: as “foreign” affairs collapse inward onto “domestic” political life, the relative lawlessness of the former potentially makes disturbing inroads onto the latter (Scheuerman 2004).
Pages: 640
Publisher: Penguin Classics (August 25, 1977)
ISBN: 0140150358
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Complete references are given at the end; consult them for more details. Within each continent or region, stories are grouped by language family. See Language Grouping for Flood Stories for elaboration of the language groups which, as best I can determine, the stories belong to. I am sure there are many more flood stories which could be included here. I welcome feedback, especially new flood stories, from others , e.g. Tuburskaya Igra (Chroniki Eho, book 8)
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