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AFRA NLRB Hears Oral Argument ORAL argument on an AFRA charge that KMBC Kansas City, Mo., had committed unfair labor practices and on union objections to a trial examiner's findings which dismissed the complaint was held last Thursday before the National Labor Relations Board in Wash- ington. Further reproduction unlicensed. 1948 Retail Sales, Dept. of Commerce, 1948 Census of Business. 50,000 WATTS 740 KILOCYCLES U L S A JOHN BLAIR ABC August 14, 1950 • Page n5 i OKLAHOMA SPOT RATE FINDER (Continued pom page 173) McAlESTER, Pimburg, 11,438 fam., 87.3% rodio, 9,985 radio fam.
Pages: 302
Publisher: Focal Press; 2nd edition (September 16, 2005)
ISBN: 0240807316
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