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They questioned Pound’s vers libre tenets and Imagism’s appeal to the eye.61 Thomas was seeking an elusive balance when he attacked Walter Pater’s handling of language as if it were “marble,” Swinburne’s “musical jargon that. .. is not and never could be speech.”62 Here he was partly quarrelling with his own youthful tastes; whereas Owen (as in “I saw his round mouth’s crimson”) synthesized Keats, fin de si` cle “beauty,” e and war. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay (2000) by Michael Chabon: Michael Chabon earned a Pulitzer for his amazing tale of two cousins — one a Jewish-Czech refugee and the other nestled in his native Brooklyn — who play an integral role in establishing the Golden Age of comics.
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Publisher: A.R.N. Publications
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