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S 2052, introduced at the commis- sion's request by Senator Warren G. In his speech he zeroed in on the FCC, charging that the agency misunderstands the true re- lationship between the public and broadcasters. Haddican, 1340 kc, 250 w un- limited); KMBL Junction, Tex. (Kimble County Bcstg. Preparing evening show for airing on WPTZ (TV) same city. Waymac Matthew Woll and Darryl Zanuc Storecast Signs 12 STORECAST Corp. of Ameri has signed 12 new advertisers du ing the past two months, making total of 57 new sponsors since tl first of the year.
Pages: 154
Publisher: Pfeifer-Hamilton Pub; First Edition edition (May 1991)
ISBN: 0938586467
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The Greer Hornet is owned by The Green Hornei Inc., and this is an entirely separate organization in which H. Allen Camp- bell and I are financially interested, along with Raymond J. Trendle, president, The Green Hornet Inc., Detroit. Right man, wrong job Editor: your story concerning joh> griffin joining wtar norfolk, va. news staff, mistakenly identifiei him as news director of ksla-ta shreveport, la. (broadcasting, oct 21). lest anyone think don owen our news director of 10 years ani one of america's highest rate! newsmen, has departed, please cred it mr. griffin with having beei^ news director of ktal-tv texarkana tex. — Winston B Marsh: A Lifetime in Sports online. KITO assiened 5 kw fulltime. 1290 kc, d rectional TBROADCASTING, July 3 Filed June 26. Why buy 2 or more... do 1 big sales job on "RADIO BALTIMORE" Contact EDWARD PEiRY CO. IVBAL Page 76 • July 10, 1950 BROADCASTING • Telecastin NETWORK BOX SCORE Number of commercials on the four nationwide networks May 31 265 Number of commercials starting on networks during June 8 Number of commercials dropped from networks during June 40 Number of commercials on four nationwide networks, June 30 233 JUNE ADDITIONS SPONSOR PROGRAM NETWORK TIME AGENCY Cj KRIZ OPENING Sept. 1 Set for Debut KRIZ Phoenix, Ariz., will go on the air on or about Sept. 1, according to Howard M , cited: Role of a Lifetime: Reflections on Faith, Family, and Significant Living Role of a Lifetime: Reflections on Faith, Family, and Significant Living pdf, azw (kindle), epub. Recreations include skiing, ice hockey and sailing, but he ad- Awaiting Harvest WLIN Merrill, Wis., has a good reason for temporarily postponing erection of a tower to conform with its newly assigned 550 kc — there's a nice stand of oats growing on the plot where the tower is to be placed. O'Konski (D-Wis.), now is 1 kw daytime on 730 kc. It will be on fulltime after the oats are harvested and con- struction is completed. niits having little spare time Economics of Sports Broadcasting by Gratton, Chris, Solberg, Harry [Routledge,2007] [Hardcover] download online Economics of Sports Broadcasting by Gratton, Chris, Solberg, Harry [Routledge,2007] [Hardcover] pdf, azw (kindle), epub.
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click The Real McKay: My Wide World of Sports here. Creditors petitioned for bankruptcy last month. In a balance sheet issued with the notice of the meeting, Mr. Glennon listed total liabilities of $550,360.74, in- cluding $110,000 for 10-year, 6% sub- ordinated debentures , cited: Always by My Side: The Healing Gift of a Father's Love
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Vernon, (47, 77, *23) Newton, (68, *55) Normal, (83) Olney, (*26) Ottawa, (79) Peoria, 19, 25, 31, 43 (*52) Quincv, 10 (50) Rantoul, (75) Rock Falls, (30) Rockford, 13, 39 (80, *17) Springfield, 20 (64, 70, 82, *42) Sterling, (71) Streator, (*41) Vandalia, (*21) Waukegan, (76, *55) INDIANA Anderson, (*80) Bedford, (70) Bloomington, 4 (*25) Columbus, (82) Crawfordsville, (51) Evansville, 7, 14. 50 (69, 80, *30, *9) Fort Wavne-Roanoke, 15. 21, 33 (*27, *68) Frankfort, (60) Gary, (50, 66, *20) Greensberg, (*23) Hammond, (82) Hartford City, (*76) Indianapolis, 6, 8, 13 (29, 57, 77, *19, *47) Jasper, (*20) Kokomo, (*39) Lafayette, 18 (*30) La Porte, (56) Logansport, (78) Madison, (64, *43) Marion, 31 (*52) Muncie. 49 (*55) Peru. (58) Princeton, (*46) Rensselaer, (*48) Richmond, (*53) Salem, (*54) Seymour, (45) Shelby ville, (17) South Bend-Elkhart, 16, 22. 28 (61. *40) Sullivan. (*16) Terre Haute, 2, 10 (63, 81, *27) Vincennes, (52, *22) Washington, (72) IOWA Algona, (68, *40) Ames, 5, (72, *26) Atlantic, (53) Boone, (45, 82) Burlington, (55, *27) Carroll, (70, *29) Cedar Falls, (*46) Cedar Rapids, 2, 9 (42, *20) Centerville, (54) Charles City, (41, 67, *23) Cherokee, (73, *16) Clinton, (40, *28) Council Bluffs. (71, *25) Creston, (74, *18) Davenport-Rock Island- Moline. 4, 6, 8 (36. 77, *18, *68) Decorah, (*25) Des Moines, 8, 13, *11 (35, 47, 76, *24) Dubuque, (32, 38, 70, *22) Estherville, (79, *32) Fairfield, (63) Fort Dodge, 21 Fort Madison, (39) Graettinger, (*19) Iowa City, (16, *65, *12) Keokuk, (23, 80) Knoxville, (64) Le Mars, (57) Marshalltown, (43) Mason City, 3 (71, *15) Newton, (56) Oelwein, (78) Onawa, (54, *28) Oskaloosa, (52) Ottumwa, (34, *17) Red Oak, (77, *20) Shenandoah. (61) Sioux City, 4, 9 (41, * 22) Spencer, (52) Storm Lake, (62) Washington, ( *44) Waterloo, 7 (33, 69, 75, *14, *59) Webster City, (*49) KANSAS Abilene, (45) Arkansas City, (65/ Atchison, (60) Chanute, (31, 79, *15) Coffeyville. (53) Columbus, (*35) Concordia, (24) Dodge City, (*16) El Dorado, (38, 75) Ellsworth. (53, *25) Emporia. (48, *20) Ensign, 6 (44) Eureka. (69, *26) Fort Scott, (55) Garden City, 11 (24, 33, *13) Goodland. 10 (291 Grainfield, (32. *15) Great Bend, 2 (55) Havs, 7 (36) Howard. (*43) Hutchinson. 12 (76, *28. *8) Independence, (63) Iola, (61) Junction Citv, (18, 72) Lakin. (14 52, *3) Larned, (27) Lawrence, (62) Leavenwor+h. (78) Liberal, (22. 42) Lincoln-Centerville, (14, 66. *9) McPherson, (22) Manhattan. *8 (29, 82) Newton, (51) Oakley, '41, *21) Olathe. (RO) Ottawa. (32) Parsons, (27) T^'llipsburg. (38. *20) Pittsburg. 7 (57) Pratt. (23) Russell. (31) Salina, 34 (74) Sedan, (*71) Topeka, 13 (40. 50. *23. *11) Wellington, (67) Wichita. 3. 10 (30, 59, *17, *46) Winfield, (49) KENTUCKY Ashland, 5.9 (*23) Bowling Green, 13 (29, *17) Corbin. 16 (53) Covington, (*26) Cynthiana. (78) Danville. (35) Elizabethtown. (67, *38) Frankfort, (81) Glasgow. (34 57) Hazard. (55. *24) Henderson. (*24) Hopkinsville. (601 Lexington. 18. 27 (60. *39) Louisville. 3. 11. 21 32, 41, *15 ("3. *62, *73) Madisonvill° (42. *19) Mavfield. (32. 63) Mavsville. (72) Middlesboro. (*7. 76) Morehead. (*29) Murray. (79. *21) Newport, 74 Owensboro. (48) Paducah. 6 Pikeville (63. *45) Richmond, f-M) Somerset. (71. *22) Winchester, (69) 31 04 (FOR THE RECORD) BROADCASTING, November 11, 1963 LOUISIANA Abbeville. (67) Alexandria, 5 (47. *26) Bastrop. (60. 77) Baton Rouge. 2, 9 (53. 75. *15. *66) Bogalusa. (49. 73) Covington. (70. *32) Crowlev. (46. *27) De Ridder. ( 68. *18) Donaldson ville. (79, *31) Eunice. (78) Franklin. 1 83) Hammond. i41) Houma. 11 (74) Jennings, (56) Lafavette. 3. 10 (*58) Lake Charles. 7 1 38. 44. •22. *62> Mansfield. (65. *41 ) Minden. (45. 75. *20) Monroe. 8. *13 '21 49 > Morgan Citv. (77 *21) Natchitoches. (43. *24) New Iberia. (48. *25) New Orleans. 4. 6. 12. 20. *8 (54, 82. *29) Opelousas. (36. *17) Ruston. (64. *J«> ShreveDOrt. 3. 12 (25. 67. *15 *54) Slideil, (*24) SulDhur. (72) Tallulah. (81. *34) Thibodaux, (57) MAINE Auburn. (58. 68 > Augusta. *10 (27. 66) Bangor, 2, 5 (7, 43. *16) Bar Harbor. (20) Bath. (19. 74) Belfast. (25) Biddeford. (76) Calais. (55. *15. *13) Caribou. (53) Dover. (34) Fort Kent. (17) Houlton. (24) Lewiston. 8 Millinocket. (32) Orono. *12 ( 65. *22) Portland. 6. 13 (23. 45. 55. *17. *36) Presque Isle, 8. *10 (73. *19) Rumford. (63) Skowegan. (38) Waterville. (14) MARYLAND Annapolis, (70) Baltimore. 2. 11. 13. 24 (75. *18. *53) Cambridge. (50. *20) Cumberland. (60. *23i Frederick. (81. *59i Hagerstown. (*31) Lower Marlboro. (*42) Salisbury. 16 (32. »22) Westminster. (65) MASSACHUSETTS Boston, 4, 5. 7, 38. 56, *2 (25. *44. *69) Fall River. <*82) Gloucester. (35) Greenfield. 32 Lawrence. (77) New Bedford. (33. *21) Newburyport. (65) North Adams-Adams, 19 (*70) Pittsfield. 64 Springfield-Holvoke. 22. 40 (*68) Worcester. 14 (60. *27) MICHIGAN Alma. (*27) Alpena. (21. 11. *6) Ann Arbor. (60. *26) Bad Axe, (28. *15) Battle Creek. (29. *23) Bav Citv. 5 (25) Benton Harbor. (83. *77) Big Rapids. (*52) Cadillac. 9 (32. *26) Calumet, (28) Chebovgan. 4 (50) Detroit. 2, 4. 7. 20. 50, •56 (*76) Escanaba. (35. 45. 3. *24 > Flint, 12 (73. «16) Grand Rapids. 8, 13 (35. 63. 75. *17) Holland. (41) Houghton. (40. *22) Iron Mountain. (51. 8. *15) Iron wood, (29. 39. 12, •16) Jackson. (34. 47. 69. *18) Kalamazoo. 3 (72. *45) Lansing. 6 (51. *39) Manistee. (60. *20) Manistique. (48, *14) Marquette. 6 (32. 13, *26) Menominee. (33. 61) Midland. (49. 61) Mount Pleasant. *14 (55) Muskegon. (54. *15) Owosso. (79) Parma-Onondaga. 10 Petoskev. (39. *17) Pontiac. (44. *22) Saginaw. 57 (67. *19) Sault Ste Marie. 10 (34, 66. 8. *28) Traverse Citv. 7 ( 29. 42, *23. *71) West Branch. (59. *31) MINNESOTA Albert Lea. (44. 77) Alexandria. 7 (49) Appleton. (22. *10) Austin. 6 (*31) Bemidji. (20. 39. 9) Brainerd. (32. 41. *21) Cloquet. (36) Crookston. (26) Detroit Lske=. (38) Duluth, 3. 6, 10 (57. *17. *8) Elv. (44. *24) Eveleth. (40) Fairmont. (42) Faribault. (54) Fergus Falls, (27. 57. •14) Grand Rapids. (48. *18) Hastings. (72) Hibbing. 13 (65) Hutchinson. (46) International Falls, (*11) Little Falls. (19) Mankato. 12 (50. 80. *18) Marshall, (53) Minneapolis-St , cited: BBC Sport in Black and White download epub
click BBC Sport in Black and White (Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media).
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