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Assuming the three features mentioned above are enabled, then create a folder for your work off your home directory (e.g. create a folder called development and then a sub-folder called therm) and copy the source code (attached to this post) into that sub-folder. Deep Blue (chess computer) Deep Blue After Deep Thought's 1989 match against Kasparov, IBM held a contest to rename the chess machine and it became "Deep Blue", a play on IBM's nickname, "Big Blue".[8] After a scaled down version of Deep Blue, Deep Blue Jr., played Grandmaster Joel Benjamin, Hsu and Campbell decided that Benjamin was the expert they were looking for to develop Deep Blue's opening book, and Benjamin was signed by IBM Research to assist with the preparations for Deep Blue's matches against Garry Kasparov.[9] On February 10, 1996, Deep Blue became the first machine to win a chess game against a reigning world champion (Garry Kasparov) under regular time controls.
Pages: 588
Publisher: Kessinger Publishing, LLC (January 11, 2005)
ISBN: 1432625284
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