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Review Laurel Corona, Penelope's Daughter (2010), a retelling of Homer's Odyssey from the perspective of the daughter of Odysseus and Penelope. Perhaps the most well known example comes from The Hobbit, in which Gollum poses a set of riddles to Bilbo, hoping to eat him when he fails. Raven and Coyote fill the trickster role in many Native American myths. At the same time, the Stoics and the Neoplatonists, following the view of "Homer as culture" described above, promoted the moral significations of the mythological tradition. [45] Through his Epicurean message, Lucretius had sought to expel superstitious fears from the minds of his fellow-citizens. [46] Livy, too, is skeptical about the mythological tradition and claims that he does not intend to pass judgment on such legends (fabulae). [47] The challenge for Romans with a strong and apologetic sense of religious tradition was to defend that tradition while conceding that it was often a breeding-ground for superstition.

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