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Where in the world did you find that hat? on top of the world. top 1 (def 47). out of this / the world, exceptional; fine: The chef prepared a roast duck that was out of this world. set the world on fire, to achieve great fame and success: He didn't seem to be the type to set the world on fire. think the world of, to like or admire greatly: His coworkers think the world of him. before 900; Middle English; Old English world, weorold; cognate with Dutch wereld, German Welt, Old Norse verǫld, all < Germanic *wer-ald- literally, age of man So you have to ask, how in the world did he allow himself to get into such a money mess?
Pages: 424
Publisher: Everyman's Library (March 10, 1992)
ISBN: 0679410457
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